Buying father’s time

Buying father's time Genre/Topic: ,

How often do you spend time with your family? Are they always too busy to sit and talk to you? Or do they have enough time to spend with you? Here is a story about a seven-year-old Jack whose parents did not spend any time with him and see how he tells his father to […]

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Role models

Role models Genre/Topic: , ,

There are positive and negative role models all around you. You have to know who is worth following and who is not. You have to choose your role model wisely. How can you distinguish between a positive role model and a negative role model? Let’s learn…

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Helen Keller

Helen Keller

Let’s read an inspiring story about a blind and a deaf girl, Helen Keller. She has taught everyone that nothing is impossible. Despite the disabilities, Helen Keller was always positive. Hence she teaches us to never lose hope and always work hard to achieve success. This lesson also tells us to be thankful for every […]

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All about me

All about me Genre/Topic: ,

Do you know yourself well enough? What do you look like? How are you unique from other people? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What do you aim to become? What are your wishes and dreams?

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Self-esteem Genre/Topic: ,

When you have a high self-esteem you find it easy to try new things. On the other hand, if you have a low self-esteem you will feel bad about yourself most of the time. You will not feel confident. You will not be able to enjoy what you like to do. So it’s important to […]

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Lessons from an ant

Lessons from an ant Genre/Topic: ,

Let’s learn a story about a defeated king who is inspired by the never giving up attitude of an ant which ultimately led him to his victory.

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Getting along with others

Getting along with others Genre/Topic: ,

How many friends do you have? Do you get along with them easily? Do you know the ways in which you get along with people? This lesson is about the ways in which you can build your relationship with others.

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The game of love

The game of love Genre/Topic:

Let us read a story about David and his dog Rusty. This lesson is about the love and friendship between David and his dog. This lesson shows how Rusty sacrificed his life for his friend David. This teaches us how even pets can be true friends.

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Same father, different sons

Same father, different sons Genre/Topic:

Once there were two brothers. One was a drug addict and a drunk who frequently beat up his family. The other one was a very successful businessman who was respected in society and had a wonderful family. Read on…

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Being proactive

Being proactive Genre/Topic: ,

What type of person are you? Are you a proactive person who takes responsibility for their life, believes in oneself and makes things happen? Or are you the reactive one who blames others for their life and waits for good things to happen to them. This lesson deals with helping you identify your nature and […]

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God will save me
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Forgive me when I whine
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Let’s be friends
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Robert’s Garden