Avoid negative influences

Avoid negative influences Genre/Topic: , , ,

It’s the nature of the negative people to drag you down to their level. A lazy person wants other people to be lazy too and spend time with him or her. A drug addict wants others to get addicted too so he or she can have company. A failure doesn’t want others to succeed because […]

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Competition and comparison

Competition and comparison Genre/Topic: , ,

Some people say competition is a good thing, some say it’s bad and that you should never engage in any kind of competition whatsoever. Is competition bad for your personality? Is it good for your success? Let’s learn how to use competition and comparison to our advantage.

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Getting along with others

Getting along with others Genre/Topic: ,

How many friends do you have? Do you get along with them easily? Do you know the ways in which you get along with people? This lesson is about the ways in which you can build your relationship with others.

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Being a true friend

Being a true friend Genre/Topic: , , ,

Do you know what it takes to be a true friend? Let’s ready a story narrated by Jennie who shares her experience that made her understand what true friendship means and how one can be a true friend.

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